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Incredible Teacup Pomeranian Puppies For Amazing Homes
Incredible Teacup Pomeranian Puppies For Amazing Homes
I have a CKC reg. parti female pomeranian designer puppy that is waiting for her new family. She was born on July 31, 2012 and is currently 8 weeks old. The mother Hailey, is a 4.5 lb.CKC reg. golden pomeranian and the father Gizmo, is a 5.5 lb. CKC reg. tri-color long hair chihuahua. This precious little girl will come to you wormed, with first set of vaccinations, and in great health. All of my babies are raised within the safety of my home and are very well socialized by my family. They are given the best of care and are nurtured with lots of love and kisses. This precious little girl has a very playful personality and is also so loving. She loves to cuddle and give us kisses. Respond to this ad- Location: Davenport, IA
- Posted: 3400 days ago
Ad ID: 2203335
Similar ads in Davenport, IA:We strive in providing healthy loving little guys that have been taken care of before being born. MOMS has prenatal vitamins, care and regular vet visits. puppies have been to the ... Beautiful CKC registered Yorkie puppies, with tails docked, shots up to date, wormed. Yorkies are non shedding, intelligent, people friendly and ... Pomeranians for adoption. They are 5 mos old and weigh around 3 lbs. Shots are up to date. Mom and Dad are on premises. Beautiful black/white/tan colored with gorgeous ... Extra Charming! BabyDoll! yorkie Puppies, they are well trained and home raised with kids and other home pet, email back with your phone number and ... My puppies are in need of a new forever home These Babies are both home and potty trained and are so lovely with kids. they have all health papers and will be coming along with a ... they are akc and vet and very socialized with kids and other pets. and potty/ .and ready for new home ,happy and pet loving home. they are puppies and very sweet and cute!We have ... House Trained shih tzu Puppies Available For Sale!
From a litter of five, they have a very massive fun and playing features, and they also comes from a champion line. They have ...