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ISTQB Certification Online Training a highly-profiled independent software training center located in USA with
over 8 years of successful track record of hundred’s of customers throughout the world. It gets a brand value in developing the students by the occurrence of comprehensive training that improvise the special needs of specific targets as well.

We also provide live projects, which includes E Commerce Project, Banking Project, Health
Care Project, CRM Project, and Online Shopping Cart Project along with certification.
Our trainer delivers in depth ISTQB online classes in such a way that is easy to understand to everyone, who can intend to improve his technical skills. We initiate video classes of ISTQB extensively to get the clear structure and technical skills awareness. training features:

You will receive top quality instruction that is number one for Online IT Training.
Training sessions are conducted by Live instructor with real-time examples
Best training materials, Recorded Videos and Skill Tests.
Resume preparation, Mock Interviews and job assistance.

QA Course Details:
CALL: 229-234-8977
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  • Location: Camden, DE
  • Posted: 3369 days ago

Ad ID: 3240515
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