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Java/J2EE Online Training Classes
Java/J2EE Online training courses are in great demand nowadays owing to the ever growing requirement of the I.T industry regarding hiring of successful Java web developers. Java web development has been one of the most basic frontiers of the I.T industry ever since Java language changed the face of the software industry in the 1990s.
Today almost all of the software services companies in India and abroad hire Java Web Developers to write servlets and JSPs efficiently and effectively for them.
Nowadays, Companies spend so much money and time on training hired employees in this line of work which is why professional J2EE Online Training can really add a lot of value to a job hunters profile thus making them a lot more hire able.
Our Special Features:
Instructor based face to face live training.
100% Placement Assistance.
24/7 Cloud Test Lab Facility for Testing.
World class proven record.
Upfront system training and recorded sessions.
Practice tests through virtual computing labs.
In-depth training on IT security testing methods.
Exam vouches to test your skills.
Interactive sessions via voice chat and live chat.
Student can re-attend classes any time without extra fee.
On Job Support.
For more details:
Email: trainingandjob@qatestingtrainings.com
Call us:
US: +1 678-899-6841.
UK: (020)3371 7615.
Java Interview Questions and Answers
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