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Java Training
$650.00H2kinfosys is one of the leading online portal that has been designed for individuals across the globe to enhance skills on various technologies by the involvement of online training. After the training, everyone resembled a expert in their existing field. With almost 20 years of experience trainers develop the students to get practical knowledge in the training sessions with live projects on various technologies.
JAVA is a programming language that was introduced by James Gosling and developed by Sun Microsystems. It is secured, reliable, fastest programming language. In earlier days JAVA used for online small devices and now it has achieved a peak status, and it will be a one the best platform compares to other languages.
We provide live projects, which includes E Commerce Project, Banking Project, Health Care Project, CRM Project, and Online Shopping Cart Project along with certification.
Advantages of enrolling IT training classes with H2KInfosys:
- Enroll once and enjoy a lifetime membership with access to all our live classes and materials.
- Live, instructor led class available right from your desktop.
- Unlimited access to all recorded sessions, available after every live class.
- Real time project work sessions on various domains.
- Walk into your next interview with confident as you attend our unlimited mock interview sessions.
- Help with Resume preparation by our experts.
- Recruiter driven placement service.
- Syllabus built based on professional standards and employer insights
- Instructors are Certified Experts in their corresponding field and they bring years of industry experience into the training classes.
- Visit Google+, Kudzu & Facebook to review Comments from our previous students.
Register for Free DEMO at h2kinfosys@gmail.com
Contact us:
USA: 7707771269.
UK: (020) 33717615.
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