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KB WHITENING BODY POWDER is a pre-mixed skin whitening beauty aid in powder form. It is formulated with the most advanced skin care ingredients to give you a more balanced, radiant, lighter and smoother skin. It contains safe yet effective ingredients with no damaging side effects due to sun exposure. It also contains antioxidants to help in skin rejuvenation as it revitalizes skin cells. KB whitening powder deeply cleanse the skin, effectively unclogging pores ridding the skin of irritants which normally causes pimples, blackheads and other skin imperfection.
Directions for use:
1. Put *1tablespoonful (for body) of KB Whitening Powder in a mixing Tray.
2. Then gradually mix it with KB liquid Mixing Solution until smooth melted ice cream appearance has reached.
3. Apply gently on your face and body, avoiding eyes, eyebrows, eyelashes and lips. Leave it on skin for about 15 minutes, rinse thoroughly with water and pat to dry.
4. Apply facial moisturizing cream or any body lotion after application.
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  • Location: Midwest City, OK
  • Posted: 3474 days ago

Ad ID: 2152018
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