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Looking for a Blue Merle Border Collie pup


I am in search of a pure breed border collie female puppy. I am looking for a blue merle or a unique colored puppy. I may be interested in a male as well if he is very uniquely marked. I am looking for a puppy for my son for his 3rd birthday he is an only child and needs a friend :). We are not looking to breed or make a profit just looking for a puppy to spoil and love. We can not afford over 300 and would like to find cheaper if possible. Papers are not important because as stated it is not for breeding purpose. We also may even be interested in a mix as long as has the markings and height of a collie and of course has collie in them :) Any help would be great we are looking for asap. Please email!! Also will travel good bit of distance for perfect puppy!
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  • Location: Salisbury, MD
  • Posted: 3430 days ago

Ad ID: 2221920
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