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looking too adopt two baby marmoset monkeys


i cannot pay for shipping and will only buy from people that live in bozeman montana like me so i can go over and see the monkeys before i buy them... or someonwhere i could drive too a hour or so away. sorry guys, just not confortable doing it over the computer.... anyways my name is jenna, im 20 years old and i live with my boyfriend. we are looking for two marmoset monkeys and someone who could tell us everything we need too know about them. iv already done alot of reserch on them. i am a hug animal lover, one day tooo be a veternarian... woot woot(: and ever since i seen the little guys iv had too get one for myself and i promise too spoil them with care and love
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  • Location: Bozeman, MT
  • Posted: 3588 days ago

Ad ID: 1187751
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