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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Loving Siberian Husky Puppies Available!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank for your prompt reply and for the revert and great interest you have shown so far in giving for the male puppy(Stalker) a good and forever home. well I feel once more assured knowing that your home will be great for the puppy and I understand you stand the chance of taking the puppies so i will let you adopt him,So for delivery i just relocated here in Parma Mi and u have nothing to bother because it will takes just 4hrs 36mins for him to arrive your location and all you will spent to have them will be just 180$ for him including his crate's So all you will rather have to do now is that you will just need to mail me asap with the Following so that i used as your shipping information is that ok by you,so email me asap with:
Your Full Names:.............
Phone #................
Zip code:.................
And your closest airport from your house or if you will rather prefer them to be deliver in your house then mail me asap with your Full Home address so that they can deliver the puppy at your Door step is that ok by you?
waiting to read back from you.
God Bless You
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  • Location: Caledonia, WI
  • Posted: 3384 days ago

Ad ID: 3055997
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