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Master Grade Grizzly Rooster feathers For Hair Extension


Master Grade Grizzly Rooster feathers For Hair Extension

Ostrich Feathers,Peacock Feathers, Pheasant Feathers, Turkey Feathers, Chicken Feathers,Duck Feathers and Goose feathers

Welcome, you have just found a Wonderful Source for Hundreds of Beautiful Feathers of all Kinds. Thank you for visiting us .

- Delivery time is 60 hours to your location from the day of putting the order.
We use delivery agencies like UPS FEDEX DHL for our deliveries
6-8 inches $10 usd per pack
9-11 inches $12 usd per pack
11-12inches $14 usd per pack
14-16inches $18 usd per pack
18-20inches $18 usd per pack
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  • Location: Americus, GA
  • Posted: 3510 days ago

Ad ID: 253317
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