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Monkeys for Sale

Have decided to sell my beloved monkeys. I have the following monkeys for sale:

Squirrel Monkeys - $12,500 group
1 male – 4 years old
1 female – 5 years
1 female – 18 months
This family shares the same enclosure. The mother and father are both proven breeders and produced the 18 month old baby. The group is in exceptional health and condition and are tame.

Lemurs - $10,500 group
1 male – Black Lemur 3 years old
1 female – Black Lemur 3 years old
1 male – Black & White Lemur 18 months old.
This group share the same enclosure and are bonded to each other. They are all exceptionally tame and in perfect health and condition.

Common Marmoset - $5500 group
1 male – 4 years old
1 female – 4 years old
1 baby – 6 months old
This family is strongly bonded and lives together in the same enclosure. They are all in exceptional health and condition. This group is tame and the female is pregnant again.

Please note they are being sold as groups only. I will not break up the individual groups. Each group is very bonded with one another and must stay together. Also you must have the space and the time to properly care for these animals. I will not just sell them to anyone. I must be confident that you are going to provide the proper housing and care for my babies. If you do have the space and time these are incredibly rewarding animals to have in your life. They are all tame and amazing creatures. Please email me with your phone number so that I can contact you to answer all your questions and to discuss whether these are right for you.
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  • Location: Fremont, NE
  • Posted: 3572 days ago

Ad ID: 3219765
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