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.net,asp.net, c#.net online training
ASP .NET Course Overview
Duration : 25-30 Classes
Introducing ASP.NET 1
Reviewing the Basics of the ASP.NET Platform
Utilizing the Flexibility of ASP.NET
Comparing Improvements in ASP.NET to Previous ASP Models
How Web Servers Execute ASP Files
Client-Server Interaction
Server-Side Processing
Compiling and Delivering ASP.NET Pages
Running ASP.NET Web Pages
ASP.NET Namespaces
Understanding the Root Namespace: System
Supplied Functionality
Integral Numbers
Floating-Point Numbers
Grouping Objects and Data Types with the System.Collections Namespace
System.Web.UI Namespace Set
Working with Data Sources Using the System.Data Namespace
Processing XML Files Using the System.XML Namespace
ASP Server Controls
Major Features of ASP.NET Server Controls
Collecting Data Using HTML Forms
Server-Side Processing in ASP.NET
Mapping Server Controls and Preserving Their States
Including Scripts in an .aspx File
Loading a List Box via Script
Using the IsPostBack Property of a Page
AutoPostBack Attributes of Server Controls
Page Directives
The Order of Event Execution
What is Code Behind and In line coding
Examples of few Html Server Controls
Basic Web Controls
ASP .NET Validation Controls
Validation Controls in ASP .NET
The RequiredFieldValidator Control
The RegularExpressionValidator Control
The CompareValidator Control
The RangeValidator Control
The CustomValidator Control
CustomValidator with Explicit Client-Side Validation Function
The ValidationSummary Control
Data Bound Controls of ASP .NET
Databound ListControls Family
Using the DataGrid Control and Providing Paging in DataGrid
Creating Custom ASP Server User Controls and Creating a Simple Web User Control
Configuring ASP.NET using web.config file
Uses for a Configuration File
Discussing Various Entries of Web .config file
State Management in ASP .NET
Client Side State Management
Working with hidden fields
working with Query Strings
Additional Client Side Statemanagement Techniques
Server Side Statemanagement
Working with Sessions with various Session Modes
Working with Application Objects
Working with Caching and various Caching techniques
Introduction to ADO.NET:
Discussion of Connected and Dis Connected Architectures of ADO .NET
Working with SqlConnection and Sql Command Objects
SqlDataReader and DataSet
Working with XML Files
Reading XML as a data source for the application
Creating XML files using objects in System.XML namespace
Web Services in ASP .NET
Creating a Web Service
Creating Proxy for a Web Service
Consuming the Web service by a Windows as well as Web Client
Understanding LINQ (.NET 3.5)
Basic of Windows Communication Foundation
Duration: 20-25 Classes
1. Introduction to OOPS
a. Class
b. Object
c. Inheritance
i. Single Inheritance
ii. Multilevel Inheritance
iii. Multiple Inheritance
iv. Hybrid and Hierarchical Inheritance
d. Polymorphism
i. Compile Time Polymorphism
ii. Runtime Polymorphism
2. C# Basic Concepts
a. Data Types
b. Variables
c. Value Types and Reference Types
d. Boxing and Un Boxing
e. Operators in C#
3. Control Flow
a. Conditional Control Structures
i. Simple If Statement
ii. If-Else Construct
iii. Switch Statement
b. Iterative Control Structures
iv. For
v. While
vi. Do While
vii. Foreach
4. Classes and Objects
a. Defining a class
b. Creating Objects
c. Access Modifiers : Public, Private, Protected, Internal, Protected Internal
d. Properties for Data Members
e. Member Functions
f. New Operator
5. Exception handling in C#
a. What are Exceptions
b. Diference between System Exceptions and Application Exceptions
c. Using Try, Catch and Finally blocks
d. Debugging a program using F5, F10 and F11 keys
6. Collection Classes in C#
a. ArrayList
b. HashTable
c. Stack
d. Queue
e. LinkedList
f. List
g. Generics
7. Inheritance and Interfaces
a. What is Inheritance ?
b. Inheritance in C#
c. Interfaces
d. Multiple Inheritance using Interfaces
e. Abstract Classes
f. Interfaces Vs Abstract Classes
8. Data Access using ADO .NET
a. What is ADO .NET
b. Connected Architecture of ADO .NET
c. Disconnected Architecture of ADO .NET
d. Working with DataReader
e. Working with DataSet
f. Working With DataTables
9. Windows Programming
a. Working with TextBoxes
b. Working with Labels
c. Working with Buttons
d. Working with various Controls
10. C# 3.0 , 3.5 and 4.0 Features
a. Implicitly Typed Variables
b. Extension Methods
c. Anonymous Methods
d. Object Initializers
e. Collection Initializers
f. Implicitly Typed Arrays
g. Dynamic Typing
11. Miscellaneous Topics
a. Working with Strings and String Builders
b. Working with Files
c. Writing ReUsable code using Dll’s and Namespaces
d. Adding Assemblies as References
e. Delegates and Events
f. Attributes
g. Serialization in C#
h. Reflection in C#
i. Multi Threading in C#
j. Important Namespaces
k. Using LINQ for Data Access
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