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New Lunched BlackBerry Porsche Design P'9981 & Apple Ipad 3


Assalaam Alaikum,

Rush now for Blackberry and iPhone all new original and also unlocked out for sale at a low cost with 12 months international warranty.

BlackBerry P’9981 specs:
- 1.2 GHz processor
- HD video recording, 24-bit high resolution graphics, and advanced sensors enabling new augmented reality applications
- 8GB of on-board memory, expandable up to 40GB with a micro SD card
- Operating System: BlackBerry 7
- Liquid Graphics™ technology
- NFC supported (Near Field Communications)

Specail Pins for Blackberry Porsche Design P9981 ( 2AAA4444 , 2AAA00AA ,2AA88888 )

BlackBerry Porsche Design P'9981

Apple iPhone 4S 64GB

Apple iPad 3

Discount Purchase offer for quick purchasers : 30% discounts late

Contact now for details..

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CALL OR SMS : +201153350516

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Sales Manager : Abdulazizi Sead Fawakhiri
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  • Location: Alameda, CA
  • Posted: 3625 days ago

Ad ID: 1137367
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