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Offshore Development Center in India

$8 000.00

Offshore Development Center in India

PROVAB TECHNOSOFT ( is an award winning web development company, based in Bangalore India. We offer dedicated web developers, mobile app developers, SEO experts and consultants, at offshore to our global clients. Our new development centre at electronic city has state of art infrastructure for setting up ODC – offshore development centre. ODC can be set up starting from a team of five dedicated resources to hundred and fifty resources per company.

Following are the benefits of ODC at PROVAB.

1. Excellent infrastructure
2. Electronic & human monitoring
3. Separate entry and exit points
4. Server room and secure access
5. No hidden cost
6. Setup in 7 days

We offer FP – Fixed Price Model, TnM – Time & Material (Monthly Contract) and BOT – Build Operate & Transfer to global clients. While ODC is a great way to optimize the profits and headcount, PROVAB assists its clients to do it in a professional way, ensuring success from the first step.

We look forward to schedule a call / a meeting at office to have a detailed discussion on the same.


Client Engagement Team
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Ad ID: 3244832
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