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Online IT Training / e - Learning Courses of SAP, BA, Java, Oracle, QA, Data Warehousing, .net, QTP, SAS etc
Crescent IT Solutions which is a high profiled Training Institute offers you SAP(All Modules), Oracle Applications, People Soft, MS.NET, JAVA, QA Testing, QTP, TIBCO, SQL Server, Data warehousing, Business Analyst, PHP, Online Training for the students who are located in the US, UK, Australia, UAE, Newzeland and India etc. by a Real Time Professionals.
The program is designed to provide rich learning experience for students using Internet. Through our Online Software training programs we are glad to be of service to our students. We Provide Personalized Online Software Training sessions which are of one hour to two hours duration each on the days most suited to the Candidates. The total number of sessions depend upon the Student's grasp of the topic and his/her willingness to improve. Further, the number of Online Software Training sessions is framed based on the interest and mutual understanding of the student and the trainer.Need-based Online Software Training sessions are also handled with ease by Crescent IT Solutions.
We offer online training, so you get trained from where you are, from our experienced trainers, remotely using Webex / Gotomeeting conferencing(For desktop sharing) and Skype messenger (for both voice and message chat) in the weekdays as well as weekends.( for interested Students And Faculty.)
E-mail: training@crescentits.com
Visit Us @ http://www.crescentits.com
Skype Id: crescent_demo1
For More Details Contact US @ (01) 713-589-5479/2879
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