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OTM Online Training
Course Outline
OTM Introduction
OTM Navigation
OTM Preference
OTM Theme
ADD and Retrieve OTM Data
Scenario: Build, execute and settle a shipment
Simple Order
OTM Status
Build Shipment
Shipment Modification Manual
Tendering process
Shipment events
Freight Settlement
Scenario: Configure OTM, Build, Tender and Settle a Multi-stop shipment
Locations and Corporations
Commodities and Items
Service provider
Lanes and Itinerary
Contact Notification
Automation Agents
Financial Rules for Service Providers
Rate manager
Rate Record
Rate Offering & stop off charges
Rate Distance
Rate Quality and Preference
Rate Service
Rate Query
Less than truck load rate
Order Bases
OTM Status
Bulk Planning
Shipment modification and Tendering
Verify Match and Pay process and Voucher creation
Scenario: Creating and Tendering a Multi-leg Shipment
Public Location
Commodities and Items
Truck Load Rates
Vessel rates
Accessorial and Special Services
Rail Rate
Multi-leg Itinerary
Rate Query with itinerary
Automatic assignment of data
Order Release
Audit data
Multi-leg Shipment
Scenario: Provisional and European VAT
Configuration of Provisional VAT
Configuration of European VAT
Scenario: Multi-leg shipment using Deconsolidation pool and Appointment
Locations and Regions
Location Resources
Multi-stop Itinerary
Order Releases
Bulk Planning
Managing Dock Scheduling
Scenario: Pre-Schedule Milk Run
Setting up Trips
Working with Trips
If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
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