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Our yorkshire puppies are home raised and they are vet checked


our Adroble Yorkie Puppies adorable and for Adoption i have 2 nice baby face Yorkie Puppies . They are 12 weeks old,Yorkie puppies to give it out for adoption .My cute Yorkie puppies are vet checked, dewormed, playful, love to run aroung the yard, 12 weeks old, weighs 2.2 lbs, and when fully grown they will weighs 3.8lbs also now they are ready to go out to a good and caring home .Both of these babies are top shelf Yorkie they don't get much better... their parent are 3.8lbs by wieghs
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  • Location: Baltimore, MD
  • Posted: 3483 days ago

Ad ID: 1952662
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