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Pakistani Fashion Dresses, Karachi Woman Dresses, Pakistani Shalwar Kameez, Wedding and Party Dresses Retail and wholesa

We understand Fashion Woman, Fashion Dresses, Salwar Kameez and other dresses play the biggest role when it comes to look special in wedding and Parties. That is why we bring this special Pakistani online store with a big collection that is never seen before for different occasions like; wedding, reception, functions after wedding, parties, etc. Give us a try for a unique feel of quality, colour themes, patterns, fabrics, etc. at incomparable and affordable price range. Welcome to
We are committed to make you look exceptional whenever and wherever you want to be. Don't forget browsing our wide variety of Fashion and other dresses for weddings, office use, daily wear, evening parties. Mr. Khan Cell: 0336-2424610.
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  • Location: North Pole, AK
  • Posted: 3439 days ago

Ad ID: 2130230
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