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pedigree long haired Chihuahua pups,

Both, 1-3 months, mixed , Little rascals have a new litter of Pedigree Long Haired Chihuahua Puppies both boys and girls. They are FULL pedigree and come with Pedigree papers, they have been home bred. They are 8 weeks old and have had their first vaccinations, and come with a fully filled out Health Check card. They have been flead & wormed to date and would make a lovely pet for a family. Both parents can be seen when you visit. They also come with 4 weeks free Petplan insurance, also a Redmills Puppy Pack. All of our pups have been microchipped
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  • Location: Kaukauna, WI
  • Posted: 3391 days ago

Ad ID: 2283527
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