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Ping i20 Golf Irons for Rent


Looking for a set of irons to compete with those clubs used by the legends in the golf sport? Grab Ping i20! This progressive set is so great that it was part of the exclusive Editor’s Choice in the 2012 Golf Digest “Hot List.” Workability and distance are two of the most important factors that golfers require from their clubs; the multi-metal i20 irons are offered by Ping to give just that.

Now, to understand why Ping i20 irons captured Golf Digest’s Editors, why not you give it an exhaustive test and see it for yourself? Rent the irons at Cesar’s Golf Rentals ( for only $50 a day. I am positive that you’ll end up needing them after.

For reservation and delivery, you can either call directly at +1 (786) 245 7525 or go to our website and proceed to the reservation page. You may also visit our shop at 2771 Coral Way Miami, Florida, 33145.
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Ad ID: 3203398
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