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Rock Hill SC,Plumbing,Air Conditioning,Heating,Water Heater Experts
$24.99 Customer Preferred? Maintenance Agreement Only $24.99 A Month ?
Why take a chance with your Heating and Air Conditioning System,Gas Log Fireplaces,Water Leaks,Gas leaks Plumbing and Water Heaters. Sign up today with Engineered-Gas-Plumbing-Heating-Air Conditioning and stay covered all year long!?
We do a full in home inspection of your heating and air conditioning system and duct work to ensure that it is in safe operating condition you will receive to free services twice a year on your heating and air conditioning system once in the spring and once in the fall of the year.We also inspect your home for water leaks,plumbing problems,service your gas logs/heaters,check your thermostat,check for gas leaks and inspect your water heate?r this "Monthly Premium Includes All Labor" for any work preform now and in the future you only pay for the parts or equipment needed for the work to be preform as long as your Customer Preferred Maintenance Agreement remains in affect for the low price of $24.99 a month.?
Call us today 803-324-0520 and start saving.
serving Rock Hill South Carolina and the surrounding areas
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