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SafeAuto Holding Auditions early Sept. in Phoenix, AZ For $5,000 Contest!

SafeAuto Insurance will be in Phoenix on September 10th, to hold auditions for their fourth annual “Do The Jingle” Contest. The grand prize winner will receive a cash prize of $5,000.00 and a featured role in a SafeAuto television commercial!
Auditions will be held in Phoenix from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on September 10th, 2011, at the Best Western Inn of Tempe, 670 N. Scottsdale Road, Tempe, Arizona. Additionally, the team will be filming auditions around the city on Thursday, September 8, and Friday, September 9. Interested musicians and performers are requested to set up an audition time through Jason Parks at (614) 944-7306 or jason.parks @

Visit!-SafeAuto-is-Casting-NOW-for-Do-the-Jingle-4!.aspx for additional information.
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  • Location: Tempe, AZ
  • Posted: 3508 days ago

Ad ID: 263469
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