Avoid scams by dealing locally! Always exchange items and money in person and Never pay in advance. More info
Sales Rrepresentative for Regional Sales
$500.00We are a private electrical company,we deal in all kinds of hubs,routers and higher networking devices too,like mobile dish and satelite.We attend to our customers satisfactorily all over the world.We operate both at home and online.
We need people that can market our goods from all states in the united states of america, we have a specific target for you and if you can beat that while working part time, then you are qualified to enroll for the full time job seeking program in our organisation. All we do is send you a specific amount of items and give you a quota you should meet. You will have agents supervise you every two weeks, so as to also make sure you are doing the right thing. Pay is highly profitable. Contact for more info.
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