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SAP ABAP Training
$650.00SAP was created as a software product. It is a multilingual and multinational platform. SAP online training is a system in which the various business functions (accounting,finance, production, supply, marketing, human resources, quality, maintenance, etc.) Are interconnected by the use of an information system Power based on a client / server configuration. SAP is very common software today. There are more than 140,000 installations in more than 120 counties by worldwide. This represents more than 12 million users. Most large companies have installed in order to improve their profitability; demand continues to grow consultants.
Why SAP Career?
Recognition, Esteem, Appreciation Dignity
High ratio of returns to efforts
Insecurity and Harassment in other jobs
Career growth, Salary hike
Overseas career opportunities & salaries
Increase your marketability to prospective employers.
Career Options in SAP:
Pre-Sales Consultant
Implementation Consultant
Project Management
Solutions Development Consultant
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