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SAP Bods 4.0 Online Training In USA
What is SAP BODS?
SAP BODS (Business Objects Data Services) is an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load Data) tool extensively used to data integration services in the SAP suite. It’s used for building and implementing data warehousing utilities and associated functions in the SAP environment. Our online training course in SAP BODS is optimally designed to equip students to thoroughly understand the concept of BODS, data warehousing, performance tuning etc so that they can have a highly paying dream career in one of the industry leading ERP platform. The convenience of enrolling for an online course helps students to study at their own convenience and schedule and the well-structured course modules are designed by industry experts with an unique interactive learning session, 24/7 support and access.
Here a brief outline of the SAP-BODS online course.
The SAP-BODS Course Contents: The course begins with an introduction to the concept of data warehousing and its implementation, different products and vendors etc. The SAP ERP suite is also introduced along with its core modules, BODS 3.2 and after versions, data integrator etc. The basic modules cover the BODS repository, objects, and the server (job) manager along with the GUI of the data service designer. Users are introduced to the concepts of data store and extraction along with data transforming, integrating and categorization utilities. The advanced level modules of the online SAP BODS course importantly include a through exposure to real-time utilities, debugging concepts, configuration and performance tuning, error handling and recovery techniques.
The course has designated modules for creating a multi-user environment with a central and local repository with an emphasis on practical applications. The concept of integrating the data store with Net Weaver applications, data extractors, SAP BW etc is included in an elaborate module. The course also has a separate module on implementing SCD (Slowly Changing Dimension-Type 1, 2, 3 ) design patterns in data services .
We wish that students would take advantage of the elaborately designed online SAP BODS training course to thoroughly understand the BODS fundamentals and implementation for a challenging career as SAP BODS professionals.
Garuda Trainings is the leading source of online training and placements. Garuda Trainings provides job driven career change facility, which measures its success in job placement of students. Our interactive online training courses are detailed guided courses that reinforce lessons with interactivity, assignments, and self-test.
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Email: garudatrainings@gmail.com
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