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SAP Business Objects Online Training
SAP BO (Business Objects) is the enterprise reporting tool in the SAP Suite and offers extensive reporting and data visualization solutions by means of dashboard and reports along with various cross platform and integration utilities. It has five different servers or tiers-Client, Application, Intelligence, Processing and the Data tier. Together, these tiers help in easy reporting and analysis features for diverse enterprise needs.
SAP BO As a Career: Skilled SAP BO Consultants are in very high demand as more and more enterprises around the world are looking into the SAP Suite for their custom business analysis, reporting and intelligence needs. BO Consultants get lucrative pay and extensive job opportunities in various SAP Implementation projects worldwide-along with excellent growth opportunities. We at Garuda Trainings offer an extensive online training course in SAP BO that perfectly equips you for a successful career as a BO Consultant. The course curriculum is prepared by SAP BO experts and is taught by an experienced faculty that has rich experience in BO implementation. Its designed to give you a thorough knowledge of SAP BO along with real time scenarios and implementation modules for better understanding.
Our Online Training Course in SAP BO-Features:
1) Flexible: Choose from normal weekday training courses or on weekends, else opt for a fast track course. Get the convenience of attending a full-fledged training course in SAP BO right at the convenience of your own location
2) Interactive Training: Our training course is taught by an expert trainer and offers the same level of interactivity and guidance as you would expect from a classroom session. Get complete guidance, clear your doubts, attend assessments and get the complete advantage.
3) Practical Oriented: Our online training course in SAP BO comes with a 3 month SAP Server access so that you can practically work on the SAP system. Real-time implementation scenario and a career oriented teaching gives you an extensive practical understanding of the course module.
4) Complete Placement Assistance: We offer complete placement assistance for both regular payroll as well as contract staffing.
5) Free Demo Session: Students can get the advantage of attending a free demo session so that they can check out the curriculum as well as the mode of training before choosing to opt for the course.
For more information on our online training course in SAP BO, please get in touch with us. We also offer separate batches for corporates and recruitment firms.
Register For Free Demo:
Ph No:5088416144
Email Us:garudatrainings@gmail.com
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