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SAP Mobility ONLINE Training
SAP Mobility ONLINE Training
Course Content:
Introduction to Sybase Unwired Platform?
Sybase Unwired Platform Architecture for developers?
Developing application with the Unwired WorkSpace?
Configuration of the Unwired WorkSpace?
MBO creation methods?
MBO operations, parameters and attributes and Defining MBO relationships
?MBO deployment to Unwired Server?
Hybrid Web Container-based mobile workflow development
?Deploying to Blackberry, Android Environments ?
Viewing and testing the generated application?
Troubleshooting and Creating SOAP and REST Web Service MBOs?
SAP integration using JCo and Developing
1) MBO: Mobile Business Object, MBO Relationships, Testing MBOs, Previews, Edit the MBO
2) Hybrid Web Containers?
3) LBO: Local Business Object
4) JavaScript and HTML5 basics for UI based implementation on the project
5) Notifications?
6) Workflow Designing?
7) Mobile Application Project, Project Deployment?
8) User Registration?
9) Domains: Single and Multi-tenant Scenarios
?11) Validations
?12) Personalization Keys, Cache Policy, Synchronization Parameter?
13) Package Generation?
14) Troubleshooting generic issues?
15) HTML5 Analytics?
16) Creating Connection Profiles?
17) SAP, SQL Anywhere connections?
18) SAP Mobility Architecture Understanding?
19) Web Services?
20) Working with JQuery Mobile Framework and UI?
21) Blackberry/ Android Simulators resolving mobile applications?
21) UI based manipulations: Screen Events
23) Server Driven and Client Driven Application Scenarios
24) Authorization: Roles
25) Sybase Control Center: Relevant details which a developer should understand
Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us
Contact : Mr. Srinivas Rao
INDIA: +91-9989754807
Land line: 040 - 2113292
USA : +1 347-952-4634, +1 203-567-0149
Skype id : keentrainings@skype.com
E-mail ID:trainings@keentechnologies.com
Website: http://www.keentechnologies.com
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- Posted: 3383 days ago
Ad ID: 3238962
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