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SAP Oop's abap online training
ABAP Objects and application areas
Unit 1: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
i. The object oriented programming model
Analysis and design with UML
Fundamental Object-Oriented Syntax Elements
Unit 2: Object Oriented Concepts and Programming Techniques
i. Inheritance and Casting
Interfaces and Casting
Unit 3: Object oriented repository Objects
i. Global Classes and Interfaces
Special Object-oriented Programming Techniques
Unit 4: Class-Based Exception Concept
i. Class-based exceptions
Unit 5: Shared Objects
i. Shared Objects
Unit 6: Dynamic Programming
i. Dynamic Programming with Field Symbols and References
Runtime type Services
Additional Topics:
ALV using OOP’s
Introduction to webdynpro.
Email- sapabap.sreeram@gmail.com
Contact :091-9686148888
SAP ABAP Online Training, SAP ABAP, SAP training, SAP BI training,SAP HANA, SAP BOBJ 4.0 , SAP EHS, SAP EHS training, SAP MM training, SAP PP training, SAP FICO training,
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