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We are a leading SAP Training and Solution provider and expertised only in providing training and support on advanced SAP FICO Modules such as FSCM, TRM, SAP BANKING etc
We are providing excellent training on SAP FSCM, SAP Banking and SAP Treasury and Risk management covering New concepts like Hedge Management, Exposure Analysis covering both Raw Exposures and Versioned Exposures.

We provide training with the best web based ( Online) tools such as Webex or Gotomeeting and available 24/7 server access for practice with the best training study material designed by our experts with step by step configuration covered SAP TRM covers Business Partner, Transaction Manager in Money Market, Foreign Exchange, Derivatives and Commodities, Risk Analyzer including Market Risk Analyzer, Credit Risk Analyzer, Portfolio Analyzer and Accounting Analyzer.

Duration would be one month and the best configuration material provided.
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  • Location: San Jose, CA
  • Posted: 3451 days ago

Ad ID: 3236644
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