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Savannah kitten BIG PAWS

Ready to fall in love? There is no pet more amazing, loving, loyal, funny, and beautiful than a Savannah! This wild f2-f3 generation domestic hybrid is so awesome. It's like owning a dog ~ the Savannah likes to walk on a leash, loves car rides, loves to play, fetches the ball, you name it... a really fun pet that uses the litter box and eats just like a regular domestic cat. Basically, you own a wild looking cat that acts like a loyal dog. My husband was never a cat guy, until he discovered the Savannah...he only liked dogs... Now, there's no comparison. To see one is to "gotta have one"...and to meet one is to love one. We have developed a rare Savannah hybrid with polydactyl feet (huge feet with extra toes ~ looking like a bobcat)...our Savannahs are very unique and are raised under the loving care of my family. You'll love your new family member...understand: you don't own them, they own you!
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  • Location: San Jose, CA
  • Posted: 3470 days ago

Ad ID: 3231117
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