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Segway i2 and x2 golf For Sale

$3 000.00

I've got the new segway's in stock. its a technology era and no one should be stressed when we have this equipments.


* Tires: 8 inches wide
* Max speed: 12.5 miles per hour
* Range: Up to 14 miles or 36 holes
* Footprint: 21 by 33 inches
* Weight: 120 lbs / 54.4 kg + accessories

Below is our product list and prices.

Segway i2...... $3200
Segway x2....... $2500
Segway x2 Golf..... $3000

For more information on how to buy contact me at:
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  • Location: Agoura Hills, CA
  • Posted: 3554 days ago

Ad ID: 44203
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