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Segway i2 Cargo For Sale

$3 250.00

The i2 Cargo package equips the Segway i2 Commuter with even more cargo capacity and is therefore ideal for light industrial applications.

As well as having additional storage room, the i2 Cargo provides rugged high-impact cargo cases, that are waterproof, removable and lockable, attaching securely onto the Segway. Each of the two cases can carry up to 15 lbs (6.8 kg).

i2 Cargo Main Features:

Designed to be used on varied terrain.
For external and internal use.
Rain-proof sealed.
LeanSteer Technology with auto-balance.
Wireless InfoKey Controller with anti-theft system.
Lithium-ion batteries that can be recharged from any standard wall outlet.
Two rugged, lockable hard cases.
Two side Cargo supports.
Two universal Cargo Plates.
Two lower Cargo frames.
Top Speed: 12.5mph (20kph).
Range: 24 miles (38km).
Weight: 105 lbs (47.7kg).
Tire Diameter: 19 in (48 cm).
Footprint: 19×25 in (48×63 cm).
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  • Location: Colchester, CT
  • Posted: 3658 days ago

Ad ID: 3206644
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