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Segway x2 advance model

$4 200.00

Specifically designed to maneuver varied terrain and handle the most demanding applications, the Segway x2 takes the challenge out of traveling the outdoors.With the x2, outdoor areas are as accessible as interior spaces. Low-pressure tires, scratch-resistant fenders and convenient fender frame lift handles allow your staff to easily maneuver a variety of terrains without disrupting the condition of your grounds. And with no fuel or heavy maintenance required, you can achieve your off-pavement applications without compromising cost or quality.

* Provides enhanced performance on varied terrain
* All-terrain tires and wider track
* Wireless InfoKey™ controller on x2 segway
* Rugged fender frames double as lift handles, making transportation into or out of a vehicle quick and easy; frames also accommodate cargo accessories
* Saphion® lithium-ion batteries
* Deeply treaded, all-terrain tires navigate a variety of landscapes with ease.
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  • Location: Avon Lake, OH
  • Posted: 3609 days ago

Ad ID: 3208272
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