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Sign Printing
Sign-Mart opened as a retail sign shop. Our main product was hand painted vinyl banners and signs. Our sales counter was about 8 feet long and we had a small section in front of the counter displaying retail stock signs (pre-made) and flags. My intension was to present Sign-Mart, a retail sign shop, as a normal business rather than a “cottage type business”. I wanted our customers to feel comfortable with our products and pricing. Well, they did and by 1985 we had 10 sign painters on staff, sewed our own blank banners, began screen printing signs as well as banners and expanded the retail area of the shop.
We do everything as before only bigger and better! We are proud of the, Sign-Mart name and our reputation! Our mission statement, we want to be your Best Single Source for supplies, fabrication, services and advice, has always been and will continue to be what Sign-Mart is all about.
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