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SmartLipo, Laser Hair Removal, Stretch Marks, Vein Treatment, Botox, Juvederm, V
Laser Liposuction & Body Contouring Center In the Greater Sacramento Area.SmartLipo Laser Body Sculpting is a revolution in fat removal. It is a simple, minimally invasive alternative to traditional liposuction designed to remove small amounts of fat from specifically target cosmetic areas of the body. Diet and exercise are often effective in firming and shaping your body only to a certain point. If you are slightly overweight, and looking to lose those last few pounds, the little bit of extra fat in one or more areas of the body, SmartLipo is the fast, effective procedure you’ve been waiting for.
Physician Skins and Weight Centers
576 North Sunrise Ave, Suite 210
phone number-(916)787-4111
Web: http://www.skinandweight.com/
Email: customercare@skinandweight.com
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