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SoapUI Testing with Advanced Concepts Online Training
SoapUI is well known and widely used automation testing tool and its usage is more we found for API testing. If you want to learn soapui testing course, then ITeLearn is your perfect choice to find cross platform functional testing solutions through SOAPUI automation testing. It has been designed in a way that you can experience amazing testing experience at free for both technical and non-technical users.
ITeLearn SOAPUI online course presents below features to the candidates who have passion towards testing using tools and who have good test analyzing skills:
•Get to know about web services
•Creating and reading properties at different levels
•Assertions, Path and Loops
•Transferring properties
•Installation of SOAP UI
•How to work with SOAPUI tool
•Groovy scripting basics
•Data driven testing
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Database ... QA Online Training and Placement from P2cinfotech. Our software testing professionals designed QA course according to market needs and current QA Job requirements. Our QA Job ...