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Strong and Bold Horses for Save Riding

$4 000.00

Gypsy Vanner Stallion. They stands 15.1hh,13.0hh and have very traditional body type: strong bones, long and thick mane and tail, good feathers. They are registered in two books: Rheinland and Westfalia. They won numerous awards in the Irish Cob Society, including silver medal and Foal show Vice Champion Stallion.

Born in Germany on October 15, 2005,11 February 2004 their Sire is Simon of Sunshine, grandsire of Sligo. Their dam was Sally, and his grandmother was Kanktukes Jessy, mother Sally.
They can broken and ridden, and likes to hack out. They are easy to load, wash and good with the farrier, and also easy to handle with mares.They are super movements and big strides in trot and canter.

They has sired exquisite foals. They are licensed. . They are the half brother of Spicegirl. See the pictures above and get in contact with me for any inquiries or information regarding this vannas
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  • Location: Dothan, AL
  • Posted: 3708 days ago

Ad ID: 3244072
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