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Super Intelligent and lovely Asian Red,RTG,Chilly Red,Jardini Arowana Fish for sale

We have available and supply quality arowana fishes etc,Asian Red,RTG,Super red,chili red,jardini,Golden X back,and many others

We have available and supply quality arowana fishes etc,Asian Red,RTG,Super red,chili red,jardini,Golden X back,and many others

We have available and supply quality arowana fishes etc,Asian Red,RTG,Super red,chili red,jardini,Golden X back,and many others,Each equiped with chip & certificate to comply with CITES We grow into one of the best arowana's brand, well known in International market . We supply best quality live Asian Arowana / Scleropages Formosus, from size 15 cm & up. Each equiped with chip & certificate to comply with CITES.

We deliver live Arowana by air cargo, so we can deliver to almost anywhere in the world. Re-sellers are wellcomed to inquire.they are auspicious and symbolises strength, prosperity, luck and wealth - and provides any aquarist with good Feng Shui. Renown across Asia for their symbol of wealth, these fish have a life span in excess of 20 years, and are a beautiful investment for the perfect tank.
auspicious and symbolises strength, prosperity, luck and wealth - and provides any aquarist with good Feng Shui. Renown across Asia for their symbol of wealth, these fish have a life span in excess of 20 years, and are a beautiful investment for the perfect tank. contact now on more info., send email for more information. email us for more information and pictures at (
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  • Location: Alabaster, AL
  • Posted: 3621 days ago

Ad ID: 27050
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