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Super Sweet Congo African Grey Parrot

i have an african grey parrot that i have had since he was 2 months old. his name is coco and is a lovely bird. Unfortunately as much as i love him, i am unable to commit myself to him. parrots need alot of care and attention, and having 3 children i do not spend enough time with coco. He is very clever, picks up on sounds, eats well, generally a happy and healthy parrot.
but i want him to be someone who loves parrots and will give him the care and attention he deserves.
i have his paperwork to prove his date of birth and i also had a metal ring put on his leg.
he can get anxious and squawks when strangers approach him, but once he becomes familiar with you he will let you stroke his head and eats when commanded to.
if you require any further info please do not hesitate to contact me.....i have asked for 300usd as i had brought him for 500usd....but he is worth every penny and i will miss him so much....i would also appreciate if every so often i can be emailed and told how he is getting on.
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  • Location: Manitowoc, WI
  • Posted: 3384 days ago

Ad ID: 2712697
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