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These adorable puppies were born September 7th, 2010. The litter is ACA registered, as are their parents. The father is a beautiful AKA and ACA registered Yorkie and comes from a Champion bloodline. He is 4 pounds and has long silky hair. The Mother is our most beautiful female from one of our previous litters. She is ACA registered and is about 7 - 8 pounds. Based on their current weight, we gustimate that these puppies will be 4 to 6 pounds or less as adults. They are mostly potty pad trained and all have “bubbly” personalities. Each puppy comes with: ACA papers, Veterinarian Health report, shot and deworm records, and a Family Tree going back three generations. They all come with a health guarantee and a personalized Puppy starter bag.
We are not a Puppy Mill. Puppies are raised in our home and are use to children, adults and other dogs. What better companion for the fall and years to come.Why pay high prices from a pet store? contact us via
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  • Location: Bay City, TX
  • Posted: 3339 days ago

Ad ID: 11354
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