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Teacup Yorkie Puppies for Adoption
I have 5 beautiful teacup Yorkie puppies. There are 3 females and 2 males. They will be teacups, 5 lbs or under. Mom and dad are 4 pounds. The pups will have AKC registration, 1st set of shots, dew claws removed, tails docked and ears up. They will be trained on the wee-wee pads. Mom is on premises, both parents are pure Yorkie and they both have AKC papers. Respond to this ad- Location: Santa Clarita, CA
- Posted: 3461 days ago
Ad ID: 3227270
Similar ads in Santa Clarita, CA:This Extra Tiny Teacup Yorkshire Terrier male will be approx. 2 1/2 lb full grown like his Dad. He is just a darling little pup, very sweet, loving, affectionate, quiet, and calm. ...