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Thoroughbred Mare For Sale

Bella is a 6 year old, 15'2hh, big boned thoroughbred mare. She goes solid walk, trot, canter and jumps a 2 foot course. Has the potential to jump much higher, with the right rider. Bela is very soft on the bit and therefore needs a soft rider. She is more push than pull and requires lots of leg. She has hacked out extensively on trails and on the road, alone or with a group. Bella is a "in your pocket" kind of horse, loves attention and loves to snuggle. She would do best with an intermediate rider to take her to her full potential, but is suitable for beginner as well. Would excel in all disciplines!
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  • Location: Thomasville, GA
  • Posted: 3520 days ago

Ad ID: 3229420
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