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Tibco Spotfire Corporate Online Training
Course Overview :
Spotfire Analytics responds faster than BI and more flexibly than spreadsheets, equipping everyone in enterprise — whether in business, technical, or scientific roles — to easily analyze complex data, customize their discovery experience, and share their story through portals or interactive dashboards. Spotfire Analytics delivers a unique combination of powerful analytics and an engaging visual experience that is both powerful and intuitive.
Empower those with the business knowledge to ask and answer their own questions - from anywhere. TIBCO Spotfire makes it easy to build and deploy reusable analytic applications over the web or perform pure ad-hoc analytics, driven on-the-fly by your own knowledge, intuition, and desire to answer the next question. Spotfire analytics does all this by letting you interactively query, visualize, aggregate, filter, and drill into datasets of virtually any size. Ultimately you will reach faster insights with Spotfire and bring clarity to business issues or opportunities in a way that gets all the decision-makers on the same page quickly.
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