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Today's HCG +B12 Supplement Drops 2 oz(adnanbashir)
Each bottle of Today's HCG +B12 supplement drops contains other essential ingredients all mixed directly into. Today's HCG +B12 at NO extra cost. Today's HCG + vitamin B-12 also contains 4 amino acids and 2 cell salts. Vitamin B12- Supplements energy levels.30 day supply No prescription necessary Recommended Adult Dosage: 10 drops, 3 times per day under the tongue 15 minutes before meals. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, all in potencies of 3x, 6x, 12x, 30x, and 60x potencies in a colloidal mineral water base. Vitamin potencies of 3x, 12x, 30x Amino Acids: L-Lysine, L-Argentine. L-Ornithine, Acetyl L-Carnations. Amino acid potencies of 3x, 12x, 30x Cell Salts: Mag-Phos cell salts, Nat-Phos cell salts. All in potencies of 3x, 6x, 12x, 30x, and 60x potencies.
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