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Top super red arowanas fish and many others fish for sale We supply

We supply top quality arowanas fishes of all kinds. be rest assure you will have the best here! Talking of freshwater or namental fish, of course the king is arowanas. We have all variates of arowana fishes like Red Dragon Arowana, Asian Red Arowana, jardiniere Arowana, Chili Red, 24K Golden Arowana, Albino Arowana RED Tail Golden and ETC. arowana fish becomes the most favorite pets in aquariums. arowana fish has a long body shape, large arowana scales and the color looks pretty typical to see. arowanas have a variety of colors like most animals, for arowana fish body color determines the price to know, the advantages of the fish, and we know that pets are priced quite fairly expensive for the size of fish. arowana fish for maintenance is not difficult, the most important is to maintain cleanliness of the water, fish food and medication needs for the fish if necessary. We supply best quality live Asian Arowana / Scleroses Formosus, from size 5 cm & up. Each equipped with chip & certificate to comply with CITES. Our Fish sizes range from 3 to 20inches and above.. We delivered live Arowana by air cargo, so we can deliver to almost anywhere in the world. Re-sellers are welcomed to inquire.these fishes have a life span in excess of 20 years, and are a beautiful investment for the perfect tank. auspicious and symbolizes strength, prosperity, luck and wealth Renown across Asia for their symbol of wealth, email us for more information and our soft price List.... ONLY EARNEST BUYERS SHOULD CONTACT THIS AD BECAUSE THIS IS SERIOUS AND WE HAVE NO TIME TO WASTE WHEN IT COME TO BUSINESS... WE REQUESTED THAT BUYER SHOULD ALSO MAIL US HE/HER CELL PHONE NUMBER FOR EASY AND FAST REPLY..
Thank You...
Jason Lieu Fish Farm..
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  • Location: Columbus, MS
  • Posted: 3490 days ago

Ad ID: 2026845
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