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Two baby capuchin Monkeys available


Two baby capuchin Monkeys available

Two baby capuchin Monkeys available!!My son is now sick and Allergic to the monkey so the doctor instructed us to give out as soon as possible. He has asthma. I don�t want to give the babies out to a pet rescue adoption association. I am looking for a good home that will continue to take care of these babies and give them all the love and care they need to have. Will come with all its Vet papers, registration papers, Health Certificate, and all its cloths and toys free as I won�t need them anymore. We are going to miss them a great deal but the nature of my home now with my son�s ill health we can't keep them anymore. All we want for them is a loving home where they are going to be loved and spoiled as with us. Contact me as soon as possible for more information(
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  • Location: Houston, TX
  • Posted: 3680 days ago

Ad ID: 15940
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