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Two Friendly Rottweiler Puppies
We have a litter of beautiful, adorable, intelligent Rottweilerpuppies. These puppies will make wonderful family companions and excellent farm dogs. Both parents are highly intelligent and excellent with livestock and are loyal guardians. Both parents are also beyond amazing with children. Would prefer they go to a farm/ranch
Respond to this ad- Location: St. Cloud, MN
- Posted: 3239 days ago
Ad ID: 3271596
Similar ads in St. Cloud, MN:We have females and male English Bulldog puppies for Adoption. They are gray and white. They have a wonderful disposition. AKC registered puppies are now 10weeks old and ready to ... Yorkie - 300.00 US$
I have a Yorkie for sale. He's ten months old. His name is Rufus. He really enjoys playing with kids. He will come with kennel, cloths, toys, and puppy bowls. If interested ...