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Umbrella or White Cockatoo for Adoption

White; broad crest; underside of tail feathers and wings

with yellowish base; bill blackish-horn colour,

periophthalmic ring with faint bluish tinge; iris

blackish; feet dark grey.
Female with reddish-brown iris; usually smaller head and

Immatures as adults; young females usually identifiable

at one year by greyish brown iris; colour change

completed at four years.

Length:16 - 20 inches

Weight:450 - 800 grams

Life span:60 - 70 years

Age at Weaning:15 - 18 weeks

Age at Maturity:3 - 4 years
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  • Location: Garden City, NY
  • Posted: 3395 days ago

Ad ID: 2983860
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