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Weaned baby parrots and fresh candle tested fertile parrot eggs

We are avian breeders specialized in selling exotic weaned baby parrots and fresh candle tested fertile parrot eggs. nOur parrots are all weaned and healthy. Reserve one and don't be late due to The below parrots are available for sale with fresh laid fertile eggs:We have fresh and fertile parrot eggs of Congo african greys eggs Solomons island eclectus Palm cockatoos egg Umbrela cockatoos egg Black palm cockatoos egg- Moluccan cockatoos egg Goffin cockatoos egg Hyacinth macaws egg Greenwing macaws egg Blue & gold eggs -Scarlet macaw egg Eclectus egg n-milatary macaw eggs toucan eggs -Rhea eggs nAll parrots comes with health papers, Our eggs are tested and guaranteed through a candling exercise. Our hatching rate on all eggs is 100 percent. We equally offer auto regulated incubators, CD tapes etc to customers getting eggs from us to insure a successful hatch. contact us for more details.island eclectus Palm cockatoos egg Umbrela cockatoos egg Black palm cockatoos egg- Moluccan cockatoos egg Goffin cockatoos egg- Hyacinth macaws egg Greenwing macaws egg Blue & gold eggs Scarlet macaw egg Eclectus egg milatary macaw eggs toucan eggs -Rhea eggs All parrots comes with health papers, Our eggs are tested and guaranteed through a candling exercise. Our hatching rate non all eggs is 100 percent. We equally offer auto regulated incubators, CD tapes etc to customers getting eggs from us to ninsure a successful hatch. contact us for more details.
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  • Location: Avondale, AZ
  • Posted: 3365 days ago

Ad ID: 2926777
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