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White male and female Cockatoo for Re-homing

The White Cockatoo, Cacatua alba (also known as the Umbrella Cockatoo or U2), is a medium-sized, approximately 46-cm-long cockatoo endemic to the islands of Halmahera, Bacan, Ternate, Tidore, Kasiruta and Mandiole in North Maluku, Indonesia. It is a white parrot with brown or black eyes and a dark grey beak. When surprised, it extends a large and striking crest, which has a semicircular shape (similar to an umbrella, hence the alternative name). Pet White Cockatoos may raise their crests upon training, or when something catches their interest such as a new toy or person. The undersides of the wings and tail have a pale yellow or lemon color which flashes when they fly.
The White Cockatoo can live up to, and perhaps beyond, 80 years
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  • Location: Long Branch, NJ
  • Posted: 3675 days ago

Ad ID: 3202872
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