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white english bulldog puppies abailable


We have male and female beautiful healthy CKC registered bulldog bablies for sale to loving homes. They will have their first shots and will be wormed before they are ready to go to their new home. We offer a written health guarantee as well so you can be assured you are getiing a healthy puppy.
The mom (Pepper) is an Olde English Bulldogge that is WBA and CKC registered and this is her first litter and surprisingly she had 8 babies. The father (Pooter)is an English Bulldog that is both AKC and CKC registered and this is also his first time at fatherhood. The parents are our house pets and the puppies have been raised in our home and have been socialized very well as part of our family. We began feeding the babies moist puppy food at 3 weeks to help out the mom since this is such a large litter and feeding 8 is a big job for any mom. We introduced dry puppy kibble at 4 weeks and they are doing great so they will be completely weaned off the mom at 6 weeks and was ready to go to their new homes. You are welcome to come by and see both parents in person.please get back via mail at
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  • Location: Texas City, TX
  • Posted: 3600 days ago

Ad ID: 18906
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